kathryn hopkins art / curated by frowning sparrow uk on etsy

The Story Behind 'Frowning Sparrow'

The name of my shop, Frowning Sparrow, has a deeper meaning rooted in a moment that changed the way I see the world. It all began one day when I was riding in a car with friends. We were reversing, and I happened to notice a little house sparrow hopping around on the ground, clearly agitated by our presence.

I pointed out, "Look, that sparrow is getting really angry with us—it’s frowning!" But my friends thought I was being ridiculous. “Sparrows don’t frown,” they said, turning it into a bit of an inside joke that has stuck even to this day.

But to me, it wasn't a funny moment. I couldn’t help but think—what if, in its own way, that sparrow was expressing frustration? Maybe our presence, our cars, our noise, were intruding on its world. That small interaction left a lasting impression on me. It made me realise how our actions, even those that seem harmless, can disrupt the lives of the creatures we share this planet with. As silly as it may sound, in that 'frowning sparrow', I saw the impact we have on the natural world. It was a turning point for me—a moment when my empathy for wildlife deepened and set me on the path to use my art to reconnect people with nature.

So yes, I truly believe that sparrows (and other creatures) can frown in their own way. And it’s a reminder that we should be more mindful of how our actions affect the world around us.