Rose Template

Crepe Paper Roses made using the Florist/Hybrid Flower Template

Hybrid/Florist Rose - A very versatile crepe paper flower template

My Etsy shop is well and truly underway with the edition of printable art going live as we speak! But by far the best seller is my rose template which is also by far the most versatile template I have made.

Structured to loose roses can be achieved from this template depending on the type of paper being used, and how the paper is treated before cutting. I love how 40g crepe paper creates a large delicate rose (top right), and the 180g crepe paper can have a textured tight bloom or even a textured open bloom as in the photograph.

And to make this rose even more versatile, coming soon is an add-on pack, for the Hybrid rose, which includes different petal widths and will go on sale for those who like to experiment with their papers and need more flexibility in the petal pattern.

The crepe paper rose looks lovely with real foliage

The Original Rose Template

~ Reviews ~

“Haven’t made the rose yet but I’m happy with the look of the pattern and the instructions are so good that anybody can do this. Thank you”

“This is a beautifully presented tutorial, I cannot wait to give it a try. Thank you”

“A very detailed and well done pattern!”